Secure. Sustainable. Scalable.

RChain® is a cooperative building a blockchain platform and social coordination technologies that address the world's greatest problems.

Mainnet is live.

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The Rho Revolution

A breakthrough concurrent computational system that unshackles the blockchain

A Complete System

RChain is pioneering transparent and secure transactions with an ultra-fast, global scale technology platform. Cooperative governance and a sustainable economic model make RChain a public utility that can be applied to climate change, data security, digital identity, and many other challenges we are collectively facing.

Fast and Efficient at Every Scale

Intelligent concurrency throughout the network and right-sized validation of every transaction prevents wasted resources. Transactions now happen with low execution costs and greater efficiency.

Dependable and Secure for All Applications

RChain's decentralized architecture design does not compromise security to achieve scale. Rholang, RChain's contract programming language, lets developers write for concurrency and formally verify all processes.

Built, Nurtured, and Governed Cooperatively

An inspirational and radically transparent open-source cooperative. RChain's member-driven contributions enrich every part of the system, resulting in unlimited organic growth.

Learn more about RChain and Rholang

Engage with the Community

Community is the heart of RChain. The cooperative model unites us in building technology and social tools. Aimed at lifting our world up and effecting real, positive change, we will help each other flourish.

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